Sunday, April 20, 2014

Final Spin!

As we head into closing our books up for sales we want to reflect back on our journey of how we created our product.  We have created 3 options of energizing, unique smoothies that are sure to keep you satisfied and refreshed.  While looking into what we wanted to create, we really focused on how to differentiate ourselves from name brand similarities you would find in a regular grocery store.  Our product incorporates different kinds of produce and super foods that do set us apart, and that is why we really thought this product would be a good sell!  We spent time on looking into where we could purchase quality produce for the best price and found that Aldi was our best option.  Their business model allows their consumers to get a quality product at a very low cost, which really helped boost our business as it lowered our cost of goods sold.  Our team also got really good deals on the super foods, chia seeds and flax meal, that we incorporated in our recipes.  And the rest of the speciality products we needed we found at Trader Joe's.  Like I said, our books are now closed for the project, BUT we do have some extra product that is available for sale!  Email if you are interested in purchasing any of our "surplus."  Below are the product details that we decided on, and the recommendations we have for what liquids to blend them with :)

Chia Seeds
**We suggest blending with Coconut Milk!

Lemon Juice
Mint Leaves
Sea Salt
**We suggest blending with Green Tea!

Coconut Oil
Flax Meal
**We suggest blending with Soy Milk!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Blender or Food Processor?

A few of our top-rated "smoothie makers" are listed below.  Traditional blenders or larger food processors get the job done, however our favorites are combination blender & food processor machines.

#1 Magic Bullet - $49.96

  • Our favorite because it is affordable, durable, and reliable.  Small, easy to store and bring along on travels.

#2 Ninja Master Prep - $39.99

  • Frozen blending and food processing.  Biggest competitor to the Magic Bullet.

  • Not quite as powerful as the Magic Bullet, but very affordable.  Small, easy to store and bring along on travels. 

#4 Nutri Bullet - $99.99

  • A larger, more powerful version of the Magic Bullet.  Great for smoothies with bulkier ingredients, or if you want to make multiple smoothies at once. 

  • Large and small base components make this appliance very convenient to have in your kitchen.  A great investment if you want a blender, juicer, food processor, basically a do-it all and in all sizes machine.


Fruit, Veggie, or Combination Smoothies?

We Want Your Opinion! What Type of Smoothies Do You Most Prefer Drinking?

Fruit, Veggie, or Combination?...Vote Now!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

SuperFood Smoothie Ingredients

 Wondering What to Put in Your Smoothie This Morning? 

Check Out These Nutritious *SuperFoods!

*SuperFoods: Foods that are low in calories & high in nutrients and antioxidants.